About Stress Strategies
Stress Strategies was developed by The Psychology Foundation of Canada and its Workplace Mental Health Committee in response to a call from professionals and parents across Canada who expressed a need for a tool aimed at helping adults better manage the stress in their lives.
This tool was developed with the help of an expert panel of some of the leading psychologists and stress experts in Canada including: Dr. Robin Alter, Dr. Martin Antony, Dr. Ruth Berman, Dr. Ester Cole, Dr. Liane Davey, Dr. Louise Hartley, Dr. Maria Kokai, Claire McDerment, Dr. Nasreen Khatri, Dr. Janette Pelletier, Dr. Cheryl Pohlman and Dr. Steven Stein. Many others across Canada contributed to its development including, educators, workplace and mental health professionals, trainers involved in delivering the “Kids Have Stress Too!®” program among other volunteers and staff from The Psychology  Foundation of Canada[1].
Workplace Mental Health Committee
Dr. Louise Hartley (Chair)
Dr. Nasreen Khatri
Dana Mandowsky
Suzanne Park
The Committee was supported by a Project team whose members include:
Cindy Andrew, Project Coordinator
Holly Bennett, Editor
Sean Compton, Web Development Advisor
Nancy Dubois, Project Consultant
Judy Hills, Executive Director, The Psychology Foundation of Canada
John Hoffman, Content Creator/Writer
Hailey Manchee, Marketing, Communications and Fundraising Assistant, The Psychology Foundation of Canada
The project would not have been possible without the contributions from:
Media-doc Web Solutions for their leadership in the website design
Strategic Objectives for their public relations expertise
Whitebulb Animation Studio for the whiteboard animated video production

For more information on the Stress Strategies developmental process and contributors contact: info@psychologyfoundation.org. 

About the Psychology Foundation of Canada

The Psychology Foundation of Canada is a national registered charity dedicated to supporting parents and strengthening families through a number of initiatives, including creating educational resources, developing training programs for parents and professionals, and delivering community-based programs through diverse partnerships across Canada.

The Foundation’s major programs include Kids Have Stress Too!® and Stress Lessons, Parenting for Life, Make the Connection, Staying on Top of Your Game and Diversity in Action. To find out more information about the Foundation and its programs, please visit www.psychologyfoundation.org.

The Psychology Foundation of Canada gratefully acknowledges the financial support of Pfizer Canada in the development of this resource.